startling similarities! Malice Mizer and Morning Musume


Jrock Links

what?! Malice Mizer and Morning Musume?!
Yes! Malice Mizer and Morning Musume are very similar! How can this be? you might ask your self.
well here's how I came across the connection,
one night while trying to fall asleep(something very hard for me to do) I started thinking about Malice Mizer, then it occured to me, hey!
Malice Mizer and Morning Musume both have the initials!
M.M........ and thats what started my discovery of how similar they really are!

Malice Mizer
  the similarities
here's what's similar between them:
1:They both have the initials M.M.
2:They both keep going through so many different members.
3:They both wear pretty dresses
4:They both wear too much makeup
5:Teenage girls like emulate them

well thats all for now, I'm sure I'll think of more latter. :)

Morning Musume